You are spot on here with you analysis. President Obama had his strong points and his points. He was great at using the military to hunt the leadership of terrorist organizations. He was great at speechifying and getting Americans to listen to him. He was so good at bringing the parties together nor at using the full weight of our power. What he did was open the door for Russia to get back in the Middle East. In truth, I don't really know if that is all that bad.
Russia's Putin orders 'significant' withdrawal of troops from Syria. The partial withdrawal two years after Russia entered Syria's civil war indicates an all but certain victory for Syrian President Assad over U.S.-backed rebels. Ref. USAToday.
Envoy To OPCW Says Russia Found Participants of Staged 'Chemical Attack' Video in Syria by TASS. "We said before and we are saying once again that these organizations are on the payroll of the governments of the United States, Britain and some other countries" Source 1b.