I don't believe in atheists, they do not exist; checkmate atheists! Jokes aside, as a christian I don't think atheist are a threat but rather a pitiable bunch or people in need as their depression, frustrations and anxiety sometimes stems from a lack of faith not towards a certain deity but towards something that watches over or loves them. Ofcourse I wouldn't force you to believe in God but why not give it a try?
Atheists and believers both have moral compasses, but with key differences. A new study suggests that, while atheists and theists share moral values related to protecting vulnerable individuals, atheists are less likely to endorse values that promote group cohesion and more inclined to judge the morality of actions based on their consequences. Source 8g.
Name: Tom
Comments: In my opinion, atheism will become more popular as people become more aware of that religion is stories passed from century to century. Now, we are in the information age, we have info now, we no longer have to depend on stories from old me on old tech.
Atheism is a product of intellect, logical reasoning/train of thought, belief in what is proven and is the result of skepticism for that which cannot be proven. Any emotional state has nothing to do with Atheism. Atheists are simply less ignorant but anyone learned individual could tell you that. And if if you had a point it's not like Atheism, (Unlike every major religion I might add) has committed countless real atrocities across the planet all the way up to present day and even now religion is just another way to divide people.
When discussing theology with an atheist, it is best to be respectful and to demonstrate your positions using evidence and reason. It is also best to keep discussion to whether an objective God exists. As a believer, you may want to advocate for your personal God. However, until you have demonstrated that an objective God exists, your arguments for a personal God will not be noticed. Remember, object precedes nature.
To me the reason believers fear atheist are because like it or not atheist gonna tackle or shaking the believer belief as they are originally people from that religion that change their opinion about their believe and teaching, basically a turncoat and rebel from the believers perspective, thats why theres a numerous debate and argument between atheist and believers.
I more a deist thought, and I even encounter supernatural thing which still not unravel to me yet by my logical observation, all I know so far are, they are a bunch of ass who try to keep their secret ability and may be involve in the old testament for christian, at least my theory so far, and regarding my opinion about atheist, they are to quick to claim that theres no god or ghost at all, as there are still many mystery unsolved in the world, to make a proper conclusion.
My experience with atheists has been pretty typical. Some are really quite interesting and fun to be around and talk to. I've made lots of friendships with them. Others are less so. I think at least from the Christian perspective, some fear atheists because a prevalence of atheism may point to a decline in the cultural hegemony of Christians. I'm not worried about this because it has never been the primary goal of Christians to hold power over others, but to serve others as Christ did, even to the point of death. In some sense, whoever holds power will tend to repress those in the minority, so if atheists became politically powerful, they may very well hurt Christians. It is no different from how Christians who hold power have the power to hurt other religious minorities. That is life. But whether one suffers long or suffers not, I think it is better not to be fearful of anyone if one really genuinely believes in God.
Easy to say for me though. I live in a pretty good society, despite its flaws. Even though me and my atheist friends disagree strongly on many issues, we don't make them overbearing points of contention between us, but have clear views and don't hide them from each other. It makes for much better conversations and friendships.