Why I Am Not Christian
If you feel that Christianity is not the right religion for you then please state your views here without being sarcastic or derogatory.
Name: Scorned
Comments: I'm not Christian because religion is just a means to control you. Christianity has good intentions but it keeps you blind and unaware to mistreatment and greed even among those who preach that you should be doing this or that and they do the opposite themselves.
Are there any real Christians? The fundamental basis for one to rightfully call themselves "Christian" certainly should, at the minimum, include following the basic teachings of Jesus Christ.
I believe the core of Jesus' message can be found in just a few sentences from The Bible:
Name: Malcom
Comments: I am not a declared Christian but I believe many of the things that Jesus taught are true and good. The interpretation of what he said is where the conflict lies. I try to be as Jesus taught without aligning myself to any particular religion or doctrine. The ability to be good is in all of us.
I believe you would find a good Christian, if they were to keep the greatest commandment.
Which is answered by the words of Jesus found in Matthew 22:36-40.