Sometimes when I get asked about role-playing I have to go into these long descriptions for people with no clue so here is the challenge in this topic. What's the shortest description you can give to explain what are role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons and others for someone that doesn't know anything about it? Can you keep it down to one sentence maybe in no more than 20 words? Its got to be clear so it doesn't leave room for guessing.
It absolutely can describe many things but if anyone wanted a very short answer to me that single word is the best explanation of what Role-playing Games are all about. They have been incredible fun for me since I was 13 years old. If I had to add a few words and make it a sentence it would be, "Incredible fun using your imagination and bounded by a set of rules to act as a guide."
I agree with Kntoran, "Fun" does not describe role-playing anymore than scary does to roller coasters.
My question was very specific:
And I think scary is a great description of what a roller coaster is. I guess we can agree to disagree since there is no right or wrong answer. That said, this is your question so you get to pick and choose whichever answer you prefer.
I still disagree even if its not just my question. "Fun" is up to the person who thinks its fun. Someone might not think role-playing is fun at all and "Fun" does not define what is role-playing. Imagine looking in a dictionary where every word the author thought something was "Fun" put that as the definition.