As I am quite new to the site in general I'm not sure if this topic has been dead a while, I am not sure where the date for the last post is, maybe I just didn't look hard enough.
Anyway, I'm posting here to talk about my experience as a fully blind user.
I use NVDA as my screen reader, and am runningRuler of Kings IIvia google chrome, witch works beautifully.
I have lot's of feedback about the game its self, but that is for a different topic.
My main purpose of posting here is too talk about the following:
First of all, a question. Is it possible to use html, db code or similar to make lists, links, headings, etc?
Second of all. The layout. I love the layout of the game, it's easy to navigate, it's vary comprehensive, and it is remarkably easy to navigate via screen readers.
One thing that might make the navigation a bit easier is a toggle button to hide the top part of the screen, hiding everything between the link to your character sheet and the last saved link, as it gets rather annoying with screen readers that place you back to the top on every page.
Other than that, everything else is graite.
Thank you for this delightful game.
ARedHuedDog: Also Known as Redfox.
Thanks for this feedback. When you say the top part of the screen are you specifically talking about the menu which shows all the links to various things? In the layout this isn't shown unless the menu button is pressed but I guess on your reader it shows all the links? Would JAWS be any different?
It uses HTML, however I think you are referring to specific tags like legend rather than span or other familiar CSS options.
Is it possible to add a code that specifically 'speaks' to screen readers to give that option?
Hello I am granny and I am a blind user on the game. So far I have had no problems withe the game. The game is accessible with a screen reader called nvda. I don't know of my avatar either but that is ok. OverallRuler of Kings IIhas no accessibility problems for me. Thank you for creating a topic for accessibility. If I had any problems I will let you know.