Reading the first post on this page I had to die 6 times to take it slowly. It's what we are used to these days in online games, a very fast tutorial, a 7 day grace period where you can't die or fail.... .and a forum that tells you step by step what to do.
ROK II is really unique in this aspect, and this is why I stuck around, although I died so many times and it took me another week to build up the FP needed for another character. I don't need treasure in ROK II, I have a LIVE character. *laugh*.
I never had a need to rush through the reading because I did not come here to just keep clicking buttons but to create a character I wanted and make her feel like was a part of her in this world. This meant I had to read it all to know what I was doing and get a feel for it.
My character was not created yet as I am trying to read all I can but I shall say that, here and there, there will be a problem in advancing and this is the time, if I can't figure things out through the game structure and publications, to cry for help.
Working as a teacher for many years, I could understand that, culturally, students were creating some kind of "Dependence" upon others and carving a lazy behavior as they grew older because they could find all the explanations in "Just asking someone" rather than "Looking for the answers themselves".
Giving people tools to work on their ways and make them find their own paths is surely much more rewarding than chewing the food and feeding the offsprings without any consideration about constructing their future for themselves.
I agree. Now adays their's not much reading or having to really understand what you're reading, but that makes this an interesting game because of that.
I read and I comprehend and yet I still die. *smile*
Still, I continue making a new character, with each a different story, and different possibilities. And I'm having a great time in the forums like this one.
At first I got "C" due to my bad math which mix with English are hard for me as non native speaker and later "B" for the comprehension to let me pass, I cannot imagine what the "A" comprehension like, which will be my doom someday.