Witch Girls Adventures
Now that you have played it - what is your review for the game "Witch Girls Adventures" by Channel M Publishing?
Witch Girls Adventures (Hover)
About all I can say about Witch Girls Adventure is that there got to be something for everyone but I guess someone has to think about everyone when they come up with these themes and genres.
Pretty sure the title is plural on both ends: "Witch Girls Adventures".
There is a second edition in the works with the subtitle "Book of Shadows" under development, looking forward to that.
Both 1st and 2nd editions apparently have a "Light" and "Dark" version. As far as I know the content is the same and what varies is which characters are depicted on the front.
Thank you Tyciol for pointing that out. On their offical site they have the title "Witch Girls Adventure" and yet within the body of the page they have "Witch Girls Adventures", however this is based on the comic book "Witch Girls Adventures" so I made the change.