I tried to take that quiz above. It didn't give me an answer! So, I went to look around the internet and I found one called What Kind of Tabletop Gamer Are You?. My results!
Power Gamer
You're a Power Gamer! You want to make your character bigger, tougher, buffer, and richer. However success is defined by the rules system we're playing with, and you wants more of it.
You see your character as an abstraction, as a collection of super powers optimized for the acquisition of still more super powers. You pays close attention to the rules, with a special eye to finding quirks and breakpoints you can exploit to get large benefits at comparatively low costs. You wants you to put the “game” back in the term “roleplaying game,” and to have lots of good opportunities to add shiny new abilities to your character sheet.
Your emotional payoff that makes session awesome for you is to feel a clear sense of reward.