Support & Updates: Comic / Anime Role-playing Games Board
This is a unique Board in that it runs both regular Threads and Role-playing Games. The Character Sheets shown in the Role-playing Games here are customized. Should you encounter any bugs or issues related to the functionality of this Board then please Reply here.
If you are asking a question related to a specific Role-playing Game then please use that Role-playing Game's Support Thread.
If you are Reviewing a Role-playing Game then please use that Role-playing Game's Review Thread.
All other questions about anything you are not sure about should go in your Introduction.
Note: Do Subscribe to this Thread so you will know when it is updated.
Support & Updates: Comic / Anime RPGs Board (Hover)
Ponyfinder Cosmetics
Added in more Ponyfinder related Avatars, Body types and Styles from which Players can choose.
Pony related Role-playing Games now have their own space: Pony / Brony Role-playing Game which can be accessed via the Comic / Anime Play By Post Role-playing Games, Reviews Board.
Current Pony Role-playing Game has unique image identifying the related Threads.
Small Updates
The special Pony page will also show Pony related Threads from Role-playing Game Reviews Board in its results.
In the Member's Profile under Reason for joining there is now an option "Role-playing Game Pony MLP".
More Character Sheet Avatars
'Mon was added a few days ago mainly for the monster in a ball game. Today, I've added a new section called, "Generic" for 'Mon Players to make additional choices.
I've also added code to prevent Players from using Role-playing Game Avatars outside of their game's theme thus keeping everything unique and avoiding confusion.
This Board has a mixture of the Super Hero Role-playing Game system that was here and Threads about Anime, Comics, etc. We are no longer going to Support the "Wannabe a Hero" RPG and will most likely merge the rest of this Board with movies, etc. If you are looking for a game you can start here: ROK II.