Hey Come to think of it, I feel discriminated against. I am referring to the Box next to the entries here in the forums, Very non PC!
First I am called a "Newbie" I am hurt by this term. It implies that I am somehow inferior to you how have been here longer. Yeah, pick on the new kid huh?
You have my particpation level rated at 0% The currently accepted term would be "Verbally Challenged" or maybe "Forumly Shy" I'm not quite sure yet. I will let you know when I decide. In the meantime walk on eggshells!
You have my level Charisma at 0% "Charisma?" "Charisma?!" I'll have you know that I am considered to be very Charismatic in my subgroup. Why any time I teach a Sunday School class all the others are empty!
Last of all you have the phrase "Is anybody home?" I am highly indignant. I can just picture somebody knocking on my head saying " Is anybody home?"
This sort of stuff just incourages others to do likewise. Oh, the cruelty of the Mob.
For decades, the `Disney version` of the world has come under fire. Those `happy slaves` in `Song of the South` - like the lazy crows in `Dumbo` - brought out boycotts. The American Indians in `Peter Pan` and the chubby hippos in `Fantasia` prompted protests. Even the slippery thief in `Aladdin` raised a ruckus.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,...93674,00.html
Well in the past the culture and mindset was different so it was considered normal at that time, I don't think its fair to use current culture and mindset to judge it, I personally think the people just want an excuse to get money or compensation by suing.