How at risk are you of getting a virus on an airplane? Fair or not, airplanes have a reputation for germs. However, there are ways to minimize the risks. This research is especially used for air travel where there is an increased risk for contagious infection or disease, such as the recent worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 disease. Source 1q.
Sure there can be ways to prevent getting infected but it's not an 100% guarantee. There will be people who may be unsanitary and there's not much you can do about them. Not to mention there are short spaces and no fresh air to circulate around it makes it easier to infect even if you have a mask on (Even masks are sometimes not that reliable either).
I would hate being on an airplane at this time! As much as I love flying (And wish I could all the time), this is one of the times I would rather find something else to do. It's already cramped and uncomfortable for me, I don't want to imagine being on an airplane with sickness.
I don't know much about airplanes themselves, but personally speaking, I can't imagine being in something as populated as an airplane or airport during a time like this feeling safe. I'd like to try flying sometime, but for me, it'll have to wait until well after the world felt a little safer.