I saw Oprah the other day and it was about kids in today's society and how sex is so casual. I couldn't believe that an 11 year old (or was it 12) had sex with a 13 year old. It amazes me. At 11, I was hopscotching or chinese jumproping. (I'm not that old, I'm 19 btw). Also they were saying how kids these days said oral sex is as casual as kissing and how you don't even have to know the girl's name because it's just oral sex.
Society has changed so much. what do you think about this all??
I think is terrible and extremely sad, it shows once more that the concept of family it has been forgoten or replaced by television, wrong movies, wrong friends and wrong ideas. Children as young as 9 are having sex or know about it!.
It is out of control. It was bad back then, now look at it in 2019. Kids being preg at 11 and 12.