Lithuania Electricity
How do you rate the supply of Electricity in Lithuania? Are there many outages, are electrical lines maintained? What is the average cost of a home using electricity?
What is the main source of electrical power for Lithuania? Is the use of Electricity in Lithuania governed by laws which impede its use?
Other names connected: Lithuania household power, household electricity, house current, powerline, domestic power, wall power, line power, Lithuania AC power, city power, street power, and Lithuania grid power, etc.
According to online sources Lithuania uses Type F sockets with 220 Volts (Frequency:50). In 2018 the rates charged are 10.97 euro cents per kWh, and it's more likely that in 2019 the price dropped in comparison to the pattern of 2016 (12.31-11.71) and 2017 (11.16-11.07).