Exercise during pregnancy may reduce markers of aging in offspring
Exercise during pregnancy may be as effective in protecting the next generation from age-related health risks as efforts made during the offspring's own adulthood. Researchers think that short-term lifestyle changes during pregnancy may have a long-lasting effect on future generations. Ref. Source 6x.
I grew up in farming areas and women exercised during pregnancy due to lifestyles. Now I think it is great for the mom assuming there is no unusual issues with her pregnancy. After all a strong body does help in the birthing process and it also produces strong babies if aliened with a good diet.
Exercise during pregnancy protects offspring from obesity. A new study found that offspring born to mice that exercised during pregnancy were less likely to gain weight after consuming a high-fat diet later in life. Although previous studies have shown that exercise by obese females benefits their offspring, this is the first research to demonstrate that the same is true when non-obese females exercise. Source 5k.