Have you ever thought about traveling to Belgium for a vacation? If you have been there or live there please describe the potential it has for a great time.
The below link gives some pictures and overview:
Because it is the best kept secret in Europe. Visiting medieval cities, quaint towns, gothic cathedrals and town halls, castles and carillons will keep you busy during the day. At night go to a pub, there are more than 350 delicious beers to chose from. The reputation of our gourmet food makes the French jealous and it is almost impossible to find chocolates as good as ours ! Many travel to Belgium for Business, the smart ones stay for fun.
Ref. https://www.visitbelgium.com/introduction.htm
I have been to Belgium around 5 or 6 times, I love the Country. I especially like Oostende, which is a busy fishing port, and is on the main ferry line from England.
When I first told people that I was going to Oostende for a holiday, they all told me that I'd hate it, and that it didn't have much going for it. Personally, I think for me, it appeals more to me than most of the other places and towns that I have visited in Belgium.
It has lots going for it, there are excellent shops, a large market, good food, it's on a main train line and you can reach practically anywhere from there. They have speciality chocolates and along the sea front there are hot food stalls selling hot and cold fish dishes. In the town centre there are lots of interesting buildings and tourist attractions, and all over town there are wonderful bakeries selling delicious gateaus. what more can you ask for?
For more Information about Belgian Travel, Tours & Vacations please see the Belgium Index.
Belgium Facts
• The saxophone was invented by someone from there (Called Adolph Sax)
• Many types are famous and expensive chocolates (E.g. Godiva) are exported from there
• French and Flemish (= Dutch) are spoken there
• Many books were written about a detective from there (By Agatha Christie/ called Hercules Poirot)
• The world’s best beer is brewed there.