Brunei Racism
Is there a lot of Racism** in Brunei? What is being done about those who manifest racial prejudice against others?
Definition: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. -- Oxford Dictionary
Name: Dredger
Title: Racism
Comments: Obviously Brunei Malays are racists, I worked there in 1996 periods in Brunei LNG, there are so many racists I found. Better don't visit there for Tourist, you can visit Singapore or Thailand.
Name: Anushanth Kanthin
Title: Brunei Racism
Comments: I' working in [..] as an Engineer, Brunei is full of Malay racism, they hate Indians and South Asians, they hit me also, but I'm patience and working for money. [..] Local workers are very proud. [..]
Name: Samsuddin
Title: Brunei Racism
Comments: Yes, we as Brunei citizens don't like other nationalities entering our country, don't visit Brunei if you are non Muslim.
Name: Teka
Title: Brunei racism
Comments: Yes, Brunei have a lot of racism. You walk in a grocery store and they will whisper "Orang Hitam" but claim they are practicing their Islam Faith. Its very disgraceful and says more about them. They want to paint a picture of " oh there's nothing bad here and everyone is nice." Sure they are nice to their own kind. Don't expect people in the hospitals to act professional either.