California Bus System / Taxis
What is the California Bus System / Taxis like, what is the average fare? What are some of the most known characteristics of Public Transport from California? Does California have a reliable Public Transport system, what can be improved?
Many hurt in San Francisco tour bus crash
A double-decker tour bus lost control along a San Francisco street, hit a pedestrian, a bicyclist and several cars then slammed into a construction site, pinning at least one vehicle and injuring at least 20 people, six critically. Crews worked around downed power lines. Ref. Source 7c
Falling gas tax revenue means big cuts to transit
Faced with plummeting gasoline tax revenue, state officials plan to cut funding for road and transit projects by $754 million over five years, the greatest reduction in two decades, while warning of even more draconian cuts. Ref. Source 6q.