Why the Left Won’t Call Anyone ‘Animals’. If you want to understand the moral sickness at the heart of leftism, read the first paragraph of the most recent column by Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne: “It’s never right to call other human beings ‘animals.’ It’s not something we should even have to debate.... Source 5v.
When the US president called people animals he was referring to MS-13 and not any other group or sub group. Calling these people animals was a nice term. I would refer them to being less than that at times as they love to rape kill and torture people for fun. What would be a ok name for them besides animals.
While I do try to give people the benefit of doubt in what they do I wonder about some if they are proud to be members of this gang and proud of the stuff that they do. I hope to never have a run in with them because of the way they act. If I do and they act like a decent human then maybe I will change my tune with them.