Him taking the time to let everyone know he could have handled it differently is a good thing. While I know that part of what he did was in the heat of the moment I do like the fact that he stood up to her and put her in her place. Skin color has nothing to do with wealth. Too many people are racist over little stuff not understanding that wealth can be anywhere.
Somehow I think there is more to the story than this. I have never seen an incident when someone on public transport assumes another is in the wrong line once boarding has started. People don’t normally even care whose in front, as long as they are up at the right calling. I wonder what we don’t know.
People at airports are a whole different breed and they want to get on the plane before others. I can see something like this happening and have seen People wanting to get in front of another because they feel they are more important than everyone else. I have had to help calm people down because of people acting like asses while waiting to board a plane.
That is not a good thing. Having people be racist towards another because of the color of their skin is plain wrong. While I have not experienced this due to my skin color does not mean I have not experienced some bad stuff in my life. I would call someone out if I saw them being racist towards another. I know Things that happen at airports is a story of their own and I do all I can to make sure of equal treatment at the airport I work at.