I like most candies. I liked Halloween because it represented a chance to obtain varied candies. Mostly things that I had a lot of got given away to others (Like parents and whatnot), but those were usually the highly valued candy to other anyways.
Most liked: skittles, least liked: candy corn and anything with peanut butter in it (Not allergic or anything to the latter, and I rather enjoy PB normally, but the PB they use for sweets just tastes… wrong to me.)
Generally speaking, I'd do a bit of bartering with the stuff I didn't want.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention the candy tax. 30% of your candy had to go to the parents for them getting your costume, getting you ready and then walking around with you. I carried on this grand custom to my kids. It helped my body stay round. Plus you can trade some of the candies with you kids too.