Finland Electricity
How do you rate the supply of Electricity in Finland? Are there many outages, are electrical lines maintained? What is the average cost of a home using electricity?
What is the main source of electrical power for Finland? Is the use of Electricity in Finland governed by laws which impede its use?
Other names connected: Finland household power, household electricity, house current, powerline, domestic power, wall power, line power, Finland AC power, city power, street power, and Finland grid power, etc.
Finland is a first world industrialized nation and its power is stable. It is one of the few countries whose primary source of power generation is nuclear. About 30% of their power is from nuclear. About 22% of their power comes from hydroelectric generation and another 10% from other renewable sources, including peat. About 20% of their power comes from burning fossil fuels, all of which is imported. They are working on adding nuclear capacity and wind capacity to replace fossil fuels entirely and make them self sufficient. Finland has 220 power so if coming from the US an adapter is required.