I usually call it Indepedence Day Umber. Most Americans don't however. I think 4th of July is used as it is easier to say. People usually just say the 4th now because we abbreviate everything. I say Independence Day because with our dumbed down educational situation lots of people probably don't know what the day really means or who we even got independence from. It's just sad.
Yeah, the 4th is synonymous to Independence Day to us here. At least, it is for those of us who actually know that sort of thing. As Kyrroeth said, out dismal education system here leaves the majority of our kids woefully uneducated regarding our history, government, or just about anything else that is no longer PC.
While the 4th of July is a day of celebrating our independence from Great Britain. While it is a day of celebrations and cook outs followed by lots of fireworks and celebrating it is good to remember the reason why we are our own nation. It is also good for people to know if they have neighbors who are combat vets and take care to let them know of the fireworks they are going to be setting off.