That might be true. I'm sure that applies to other things as well. Elderly drivers are much worse drivers than someone with a .05. Sleepy drivers, distracted drivers etc. They are far more dangerous than drivers with a .05.
It's getting to the point of just making it a 0.00 though. Before it was obvious when someone was under the influence and shouldn't drive. Now people that seem sober will be going to jail for this. Women and smaller men might as well not even drink if they have to drive.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Mar, 2017 - 8:59pm
Yes, this effectively makes it a one drink limit for most woman and some men. Maybe that is where we have come to as a society… that you always have to have a designated driver when you go out. I'm not big by any stretch of the imagination, I'm only 5'9" and I weigh about 170, but I can certainly drink more than a 110 pound woman. Also, I know that metabolism has a lot to do with this too. Now I'm torn.