In your area are you the minority?
Consider the place that you live. Are most of the people the same race as you? If they are do you think you could live in a place where you are not in the majority? If you are in the minority do you feel unease or more careful as you walk around your neighborhood? Do you ever get the feeling you are not wanted even if by a few?
When I was growing up I was definitely a minority. I'm white, but I'm of Greek and Italian heritage. Nearly everyone in the area we moved to was Irish Protestant or English. They picked on me and my Greek last name incessantly. I got into a lot of fights, learned to defend myself, and to defend others. All in all, it was a good learning experience I'd never wish on another.
I went on a jazz cruise a few years ago that was probably 95% black. I got the occasional stare or bad feeling. But in truth, I was treated much better than in my youth. I guess people who know prejudice tend to display prejudice less.
Now I realize we're all minorities and we're all the same, at the same time. You see, we're all different. I'm a Greek/Italian American, he's a Japanese American, she's an Irish American, that ones African American, over this is an American Indian, up ahead is a Latino American. We're all different, none of us is a majority when taken to this level, yet we're all Americans and we're all humans. When taken together we're all people sharing this planet.