As A White Person Do You Feel Privileged?
If you are White do you feel like you have a better life than others of a different race? Based on your answer how can you know for sure if your synopsis is right if you cannot change your race to experiment?
This question cuts two ways, or at least could be interpreted two ways.
One, do I feel as if I deserve privilege… as KN answered it. The answer is no. I don't deserve any more or less than anyone else in this country. Ability, heart, intelligence, wisdom, empathy, these are all traits that matter. Skin color, sex, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, etc. Should not.
The second way is do I feel as if I have been treated better because of being a Caucasian. The answer is yes and no. As a kid, I was the only Mediterranean colored person in my grade school. I got beat up regularly. It taught me not to be a bully, to stand up for those who can't protect themselves, getting beat up wasn't that bad so don't fear it, and how to defend myself. In junior high and high school I grew, lifted weights, and stopped getting beat up. After that, I believe being Caucasian helped me. I'm sure had I been African American I'd have been stopped and/or hassled a lot more than I was. That said, the Army tries to be scrupulous about promotions and treating people fairly, so no privilege there. I have a bit of experience here, my kids are half African American.
Yes you said it correctly that this professor at Walmart is wanting "White privilege". The fact that he feels he has a moral obligation to sue because of a error on his job title shows a lot. I guess there are many who feel they need to have this privileged. I believe it goes against the very grain of the society we are trying to achieve. I would not want any one to not get the same rights and privileges that I myself gets. If I see it at a store I call people out on it. I will make a scene. Maybe someday you will be reading about me in the news *smile*.