Study shows dogs can accurately sniff out cancer in blood. Dogs have smell receptors 10,000 times more accurate than humans', making them highly sensitive to odors we can't perceive. A new study has shown that dogs can use their highly evolved sense of smell to pick out blood samples from people with cancer with almost 97 percent accuracy. The results could lead to new cancer-screening approaches that are inexpensive and accurate without being invasive. Source 5o.
Dogs can detect traces of gasoline down to one billionth of a teaspoon. Trained dogs can detect fire accelerants such as gasoline in quantities as small as one billionth of a teaspoon, according to new research by chemists. The study provides the lowest estimate of the limit of sensitivity of dogs' noses and has implications for arson investigations. Source 3b.
Dog brains do not prefer faces. Even though dogs gaze into man's eyes, dog brains may not process faces as human brains do. A new study suggests that the canine visual system is organized differently: the face network found in primates may not extend to all mammals. Source 9q.
Long-term stress in dogs linked to the owner-dog relationship. The relationship a dog has with its owner is related to its stress level. This is the conclusion of a newly published study. The results also suggest that the link between stress and the owner's personality traits differs between dog breeds. Source 4o.
According to this study by the American Psychological Association, dogs are smarter than you might imagine and although they can't take stock of your finances, they do know some numbers and can use them to understand basic things.
Discover the most curious data from Stanley Coren's study when comparing the intelligence of dogs with that of humans:
They know how to count and are able to understand more than 150 words, including signs. "The upper limit of a dog's ability to learn language is based in part on a study of a border collie named Rico who was shown to know 200 spoken words and demonstrated 'rapid learning,' which scientists believed was only It was found in humans and apes learning language.”
During play, dogs are capable of deliberately trying to trick other dogs and people for rewards, Coren says. “And they are almost as successful at fooling humans as humans are at fooling dogs.”
They have the ability to count to four or five and have a basic understanding of arithmetic. They can also spot errors in simple calculations, such as 1+1=1 or 1+1=3.
The intelligence of different types of dogs does differ, and the breed of the dog determines some of these differences. Border Collies are the most intelligent breed of dog.
Some studies have revealed that dogs display numerous behaviors related to cognition. They have advanced memory abilities and are able to read and react appropriately to human body language, such as gestures and signals, and understand commands given by humans. Dogs manifest a theory of mind through deception.