Happy Valentine's Day 2017
Here is wishing all a Happy Valentine's Day. Hopefully you have a special someone to spend it with… and it does not have to be a lover or spouse, just someone you love (Mom, friend, etc.)
Please share your day with us and what you plan to do or did.
Happy Valentine's everyone. May your heart be bright and red, shared with someone you really love *wink*.
Valentine's Day is quite international, like Christmas, birthdays.... However, I personally haven't celebrated them in a specific way for a long time. I do my best to make every day count. When I know that something can make someone I love happy, I try to act accordingly: if I think they would like a book, I give it to them without it having to be on their birthday, if they would like to go out to eat at a particular restaurant, why wait for Valentine's Day? Better tonight.