Former Presidents Get Perks?

Presidents Perks - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 29th Aug, 2003 - 12:20am

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29th Aug, 2003 - 12:03am / Post ID: #

Former Presidents Get Perks?

Do you think that former Presidents of Trinidad & Tobago should have their medical bills paid as well as tax exemptions from luxury cars?

My personal view is this:

Yes to the medical as far as it is for health and not cosmetics, yes for the car if it is one luxury car, but not two, three, etc.

What is your view?

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29th Aug, 2003 - 12:20am / Post ID: #

Perks Presidents

What is your view?

No perks, no benefits whatsover! they're already former presidents :smile.gif they get a full salary, they must use that money for their medical bills and their cars and stuff, what they want? blood?? :smile.gif Its funny how they always want to increase salaries of Primer Ministers, Ministers in general, now perks for Former Presidents and they still paying less than 7 dollars TT an hour to the guy that fries chicken in KFC or Royal Castle...gimme a break! perks? lol what a joke!

> TOPIC: Former Presidents Get Perks?


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