A Big Thank You!
Thanks to all for supporting our Donation Drive. It means a lot to us that Members in the Community have a big heart and are willing to help make this site better and better.
This goes beyond a simple "Thanks", I, am grateful for the support, it is a welcome relief from the difficult challenges we face - thank you.
Based on the Donations we were able to receive we will be doing the following:
1. Further development of ROK II (Clans, Partner) - We just released Relations / Partners, so that is already completed. We will be tackling Clans too.
2. Text Role-playing Game Creator: Personal Rival - We will be adding this shortly.
3. Adjustments to the site to cater for the Blind (We will do this as necessary)
4. Pay the high cost of hosting a community this big.
5. Add in more explanatory videos (As necessary)
When the above are completed we will update the various sections / Threads about it. Thanks again.
All Promised To Do - Done!
It took me a little longer than I thought but I have finished all the promised items for this Donation Drive:
1. Clans and Relations were added and I even added a private Chat interface based on request.
2. Personal Rival was just added.
3. Adjustments for Blind are ongoing and made based on requests.
4. Hosting paid!
5. We've added one and will be adding another shortly.
Please look out for the new extra special Donation Drive for April!