The site referenced has information concerning laws and precautions as well:
What you should do:
* Freeze.
* Count to five, slowly and silently.
* Move away very slowly, sideways or backwards.
* If the dog jumps on you, act like a rock by curling up into a ball and covering your face and head with your arms.
What you should NOT do:
* Don't stare at the dog -- that means "I dare you to bite me!"
* Don't run, jump or wave your arms around.
* Don't scream.
* Don't throw anything at the dog or hit him.
Ref. https://www.ddfl.org/behavior/dogbites.htm
This is very informative JB, thanks for putting it here. I was never bite by a dog but I know a lot of people who are very afraid of dogs because they have been bitten by several of them. I know a lady who was bitten 5 times!!!!!!.
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