It is amazing the kinds (by kinds I mean the way the crime is committed) of criminals that are in the US. What will they think of next?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
It's pretty creepy. I begin to wonder what exactly was going through this guy's mind before and during the robbery. I wonder where he got the cane shaped weapon and who manufactured the bomb collar that he wore. I will be surprized if both notes that the guy had were written by his own hand.
I think a lot of these people watch all kinds of movies and then act them out. I remember reading one story where a guy saw the movie, 'The Specialist' and then acted out a bomb scene from that movie. So who knows where the pizza guy thought up the idea.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
This is true. I was watching America's Most Wanted last night and they featured a part about this guy. They were looking for any information on the person or persons who could have made the bomb that the pizza guy had around his neck. Seems like they have never seen that type of bomb made before.
That is scary and disturbing. I wonder if this guy was just delivering pizzas or involved in somthing deeper. It just seems like there are a lot easier ways to get pizza. This makes me think of mofia killings. Or maybe he thought of both the kane and bomb and committed suicide with the bomb. I really don't have a clue so I'm going to stop typing.
They just featured another story about this pizza guy and the bomb on America's Most Wanted again this week. From what I can understand they seem to believe that the pizza guy was not acting alone. They have featured a drawing of a person that was near the scene of one of the places, the pizza guy was supposed to go to after he robbed the bank. They have a picture on their website of who they believe they are looking for.