A black girl and a white girl were friends. The black girl slept over the white girl's house. It was 3 a.m., and they were still up.
The white girl's mother came downstairs and said, "Honey,
don't you think it's time for you to go to bed?"
The white girl responded, "Shut up. I don't want to go to sleep!"
Her mother said, "Okay, honey. You can go to bed later ." The black girl was very intrigued by what happened and decided to use that when she got home.
The next night the black girl's mother said to the black girl, "Go to bed! It's late!" The black girl shouted, "Shut up. I don't want to go to sleep!"
The black girl's mother took one look at her...
The black girl started to blink, looked around, and asked, "Where am I?".......
A lady came over to the bed and answered, "You're in the
Intensive Care Unit, love."