Newsletter August 2015
Notes From Admin:
This is our general Newsletter for the whole Community. We have started to send out partial Newsletters based on your "Reason for Joining". Therefore, if you joined for Role-playing Games you will also get the Role-playing Game Newsletter. If you joined for T&T, then you will also get the T&T Newsletter, etc. This helps you get more on what is happening in the Community that matters the most to you.
Reader amazing Topics, looking for your reply:
* Maratus Personatus Spider
* Giant Hogweed can blind you
* Creepy Attractions Around The World
* Stand Your Ground Laws
* Military Families being targeted
* Deorr Kunz Jr. Missing - strange case
* Mexico Disabled - shame!
* Nutritional Yeast - lead could be in it!
* Role-Playing Games (RPG) & Adventure
* See all the Latest Topics
Newsletter 17-18 August, 2015
Notes From Admin:
As you may know the Administrators of International Discussions are also the parents of three boys on the Autism Spectrum. There is a terrible lack of resources in our country resulting in us having to home school our children so they can be educated. Children on the Spectrum are often forgotten by society until they are highlighted by the media - that's nonsense! Pandora has created an Association to fight for the rights of these children: www.TTAutism.com please support it by sharing, liking and if you are attached to Trinidad & Tobago you can join as a Volunteer. A Topic has been started here: Autism Parents Association Of Trinidad & Tobago
Social login! This is what JB is working on. What is that? Read more Social Register & Login.
Reader other Topic you may like to review:
* Deorr Kunz Jr. Missing
* Lost Colony Of Roanoke
* Apples For Health
* Body Piercings
* Going Bananas
Newsletter 20-21 August, 2015
Notes From Admin:
Login via FaceBook! Great news for all those who had trouble with the login procedure or forgetting passwords. You can now login via FaceBook. Your friends can also easily Register via the same option so feel free to invite them. For you, just make sure your FB Email is the same as your Community Email or the system will see you as a new / different user! Otherwise please use the regular Login form or update your Community Email so you can Login via FaceBook.
Try it now: Login via FaceBook
Read more on this and comment at Social Register & Login.
Raven other Topics you may like to review:
* Oath Keepers Militia
* Thailand Most Wanted
* Duggars pg 4
* IVF & Abortion