International Discussions Newsletter 2-3 March, 2016
Notes From Admin:
In the Works: more Social Login options. If there is a a particular Login you will like to see added besides FB, Google and Twitter (Coming soon) then please place it here: Social Register & Login
Other Topics:
* Short stories from KenGreen's Blog
* Ashley Graham - too fat?
* Communications From Other Planets - myth?
* Blood Test For Autism
* Kissing Is Sinful?
* Wanted: Science Fiction Role-playing Game Game Masters
* Role-Playing Games (Role-playing Game) & Adventure
* See all the Latest Topics
Apologies For Downtime
From the period 10am GMT to 3:30pm GMT the server was offline due to a faulty node. Although the DB is online it may appear a bit sluggish at times but will pickup soon. Thanks for your patience, now on to Posting!
International Discussions 12-13 March, 2016
Login via FaceBook or login via Google or Manual Login
Notes From Admin:
* Ever wanted to be a Ruler of Kings? We are working on a version of ROK that will be known as "ROK 2". Anyone will be able to play at anytime and Role-play as well! See the details: Ruler Of Kings 2
* You may have noticed a red and blue box at the very top of the Community. The red one tells you how many Topics were updated in the last hour and the blue one tells you how many Topics were updated in the last 24 hours.
* Taking over some old Role-playing Games - interested? Abandoned are: Cthulhu and Dungeons & Dragons 5e. If you are committed then see: Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards
* Invite friends from LinkedIn or Twitter - These social options are now enabled: Social Register & Login
Hare are other Topics:
* Online Dating For 30 Something Women
* Handsome Ex-Con pg2
* Regenerating Eye Lens
* Miesha Tate - MMA Champ
* Lionel Messi vs Cristiano Ronaldo
* Original Game Master - Recognize this face?
International Discussions Newsletter 23-24 March, 2016
Notes From Admin:
* Using a wide screen? Check out the new columns when you view the site: Wide Screen Columns. These will help you stay in touch with the most updated / critical Topics no matter where you are in the Community. They adjust according to the width of your browser. On redirect pages you will also get some of the latest info as well for the benefit of Mobile Users.
* Taking over some old Role-playing Games - interested? Abandoned are: Cthulhu and Dungeons & Dragons 5e. If you are committed then please see: Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards
Other Topics:
* Terrorism In Belgium
* Outrageously Luminous Galaxies
* Female Gamers pg 6
* Genes That Cause Autism
* Intelligence vs Hair Colorr.