Newsletter - February 2011

Newsletter February 2011 - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 25th Feb, 2011 - 12:52pm

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4th Feb, 2011 - 5:17pm / Post ID: #

Newsletter - February 2011

Newsletter - February 2011

What Is New?

Love is in the air! Check out the list of Valentine related Topics you can add your input to:
Source 8

Some Areas Of Interest

* Egypt is a mess, is this the start of a middle East revolution?
Source 4

* D&D Play by Post - How It Works
Source 2

* Crime in Trinidad is so bad now that there is more than a murder a day, sometimes twice a day. To get a focus on the crime related Threads we have given TT Crime its own forum so the Topics are not lost in the other Trini related Topics. Check it out here: Source 1

* Why do some people think the military sucks?
Source 2

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25th Feb, 2011 - 12:52pm / Post ID: #

February Newsletter

What Is New?

1. We are continuing to index universities and colleges as well as good books on ancient warfare (see Book section).

2.'s own forum focusing on crime and police related Topics has really taken off with many visitors each day.

3. JB is taking a short break from role-playing games but soon he will have new scenarios available. Keep in mind that you must maintain a certain activity level to participate. Dungeons and Dragons run by Kntoran and Oliron does not require any participation level.

4. We are looking for a Dungeons and Dragons Gm that will be consistent in running some scenarios.

5. Our database is growing so much that we had to get certain domains to focus on topics that might otherwise be lost. For instance Source 1, which use to run strategic world war two battles, now shows Topics from our database about world war two only. Even better anyone can contribute to those topics within the site and do not have to come back the main forum to participate.

Some Areas Of Interest

* The Price of Oil
Source 2

* Will Gaddafi have to step down?
Source 8

* New Zealand earthquakes
Source 5

* What's going on in Egypt?
Source 1

* See what else people are Discussing: Source 7

> TOPIC: Newsletter - February 2011


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