Alex Jones recently interviewed Stanley Hilton who has brought charges against George Bush and others for involvement in 9/11.
Listen to the interview here: (speakers on!)
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 10%
You may wish to take a look at thread, especially if you have seen the documentary. I am learning more and more each day just how much men in high places conspire with evil.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 100%
The involvement of the American government in the attacks on 9/11 is becoming more apparent. At the moment, they could still get away with a charge of complacency, but if the information and allegations bought to light by Michael Ruppert is proven true,(that Dick Cheyney himself was directly involved in the attacks to further the cause of the Neocons and NWO) this is really going to turn into a big mess as far as the War On Terror goes. In reality, the chances of Osama pulling this off from a cave with no electricity in Afganistan whilst on a kidney dialasis machine is pretty hard to believe.
Not to mention that not one of the supposed hijackers names were on any of the passenger jets. Not to mention that 9 of the hijackers are still alive and well.
Plus the fact that the twin towers were levelled by a controlled demolition. Then there is WTC#7 which was not hit by anything, yet collapsed anyway.
Then there is the additional hardware mounted on the plane that struck ther south tower that appears to fire a missile of some sort seconds before impact.
Or maybe the lack of 757 plane wreckage at the pentagon, supposedly consumed in the resulting intense fireball. But then they managed to identify all passengers through DNA, but couldn't find the black box flight recorders.