Newsletter - January 2010

Newsletter January 2010 - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 31st Jan, 2010 - 7:10pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 8 - Views: 1034
3rd Jan, 2009 - 12:00am / Post ID: #

Newsletter - January 2010

Newsletter - January 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

- All the votes have been counted and here are the results:

* Kntoran - Architect Award of the Year 2009
* Kntoran - Member of the Year 2009
* Jpatt - Member of the Month December 2009

Please see if anyone voted for you here:
Source 4

Why Kntoran got the Architect Award:
Source 2

We made some increases and as such the Architect Award
winner gets Us$60 credit. Member of the Year gets 1000Fp
and as usual Member of the Month gets 200Fp.

Do you have new goals set for the coming year? Feel free to
use our Goal tracker for free:
Source 7

* The Studies of Lds and Lds Deep Doctrine has been merged.
This means all members regardless of religion will be able to
participate within Lds based Threads. The Lds Mature section
is of course still restricted. Read more on this here:
Source 4

Sponsored Links:
7th Jan, 2010 - 1:08pm / Post ID: #

January Newsletter

Search Modification

Yesterday I was searching for what I thought was a simple word and yet no results were found so I decided to tweak the Search to find 'like' words. You should see an improvement.

Making Board Skins Match

On specialty Boards such as those with RPGs I am working to make the Skins match the content. Therefore, rather than a general Skin you will begin to see something that matches the actual Game, etc. It is a lengthy process, if you discover errors please let us know as we may be unaware about it.

8th Jan, 2010 - 12:46pm / Post ID: #

Newsletter - January 2010 Feedback & FAQ News Community

Old Board Addresses

Some months ago we made a big merger of the Boards but neglected to redirect the old links to make them point to the new merged Board. This has been fixed so your old Bookmarks will take you to the right place.

18th Jan, 2010 - 3:44am / Post ID: #

January Newsletter

Better Navigation

The "Loading" box that you first see when you load a page is now at the top left of pages rather than center.

The bottom bar offers handy links to help you get around.

20th Jan, 2010 - 3:55pm / Post ID: #

January Newsletter

Lots of great things are happening in the Community:

* The Bottom bar is the unique links you see at the very
bottom of pages you visit in the Community. We have enhanced
it to make navigation a breeze. We have also added a special
link called, "Major NEWS" which shows popular world topics.
For instance the Threads about what is going on in Haiti
can easily be found via this option.

This is not the same as the most recent list which shows
Threads that were recently Updated. Please use it and give
feedback here:
Source 1

* We recently modified the Search to look for "like" words as
well which helps in showing more results. For instance searching
"force" will also show "forces" whereas it did not before. You
can also narrow Searches by using quotes around words.

Role-playing Games

We encourage players to become involved in multiple Rpgs
within the Community so that when they visit there is always
something to reply to / participate in. Check out some of
these and consider joining in:

* Love & Life Bytes Rpg has its own skin and has merged
Spotlight into it. Within the Threads you will be able to
create both a Bytes and Spotlight character. Drama based
character role-playing allows you to express yourself in a
modern setting with real issues. Best thing is if you are
voted as the best at portraying your character you get
luck points which promotes or rewards. See the Board:
Source 7

* Jpatt wants feedback on an Rpg he wants to start:
Source 5

* The World of Medieval and Future Earth are both being
modified for fast effective play with unique character
Posts. Soon both games will be starting new scenarios.
Make sure to have Rpger status now so you can join in the
action and not be left behind.

* I'm looking for someone to Gm Be A Super Hero Rpg. This
is a comic based role-playing game. There are many scripts
to help you Gm and for players to generate stats. I do not
want to add more to my current portfolio, but if not I will
take it back up.

Most Recent Threads

Haiti Earthquake
Source 7

Virginia Shootings
Source 4

The Road - does this movie show the desperation in some
places on the planet? See reviews for it:
Source 3

Crime in Trinidad - Just imagine we had 11 murders in 48
hours in this tiny island. See this and other issues here:
Source 7

21st Jan, 2010 - 12:14am / Post ID: #

Newsletter - January 2010

Plain Skin

I updated this so there is greater separation between Posts and also some of the Member info can be seen.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
26th Jan, 2010 - 1:33pm / Post ID: #

Newsletter January 2010

Thanks for being part of

* As you know InternationalDiscussions is not about how
many numbers we can bloat but constructive input. Quality
always beats quantity, and with this in mind we will be clearing
out the silent accounts of Members who do not participate so
if you wish to keep your account ensure that you Introduce
yourself and get involved. If by the time you have read this
your account has been deleted you are free to rejoin again
when you can participate. Or if you know you will not be
involved again you can disable your account via the link at
the very end of this Newsletter.

* Valentines's Day is fast approaching, join in Discussion
with our selection of related Topics:
Source 6

* Vote for Member of the Month:
Source 7


* Photo uploads for Members has been changed from 10 to 25

* Bottom bar was being changed around a lot and is finally complete
now with very helpful info that's always just a click away.

* Future Earth is starting soon, make sure you have 75% activity
and at least 30 Posts.

* Hopeful new game masters want your feedback:
Source 2

Some Highlighted Threads

* Polygamy: An Answer To Social Ills?
Source 9

* It was recently Farseer's Birthday, see her review for Mimi's
Source 4

* Working at 65 years old
Source 2

* Gary Coleman can't seem to stay away from trouble
Source 8

* Child with Autism attacks teachers
Source 1

* Harvey Glatman serial killer
Source 8

* %NAME% check the latest Topics and add your input:
Source 4

Make a Donation / Upgrade Your Membership:

See hidden boards and get more features! Or just contribute:
Source 9

All the Best to You!
Administrator & Web Team
Source 3
Source 9

Disable Membership:
Source 3

31st Jan, 2010 - 7:10pm / Post ID: #

Newsletter January 2010 Community News FAQ & Feedback

Members Deleted

807 Members who joined by did not Post their Introduction has been purged from the system as mentioned in the last Newsletter.

> TOPIC: Newsletter - January 2010


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