Why so many registration requirements?
Name: Shaz
Comments: Why so many registration requirements? I'm trying to register and between all the things I have to read and the fields to fill in I've almost given up.
It really is not difficult once you are serious about being here. The Registration Form is used to weed out those who come here just because they are "bored" or spammers. It places a strain on the work load having to deal with these types of Users. Both of those will find it hard to miss all the requirements presented on the Registration process thus leaving no reason for a "bored" person or spammer to join. Even after joining with the Intro requirement and unavailability to post links I will say about 99% of spammers fail and the ones that are not intellectually mature enough gives up. If you are neither of these you will see the Registration process as a protection for both you and the Community.