Alaska Monsters
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Alaska Monsters (Hover)
Within the Last Frontier lies a region known as the Alaska Triangle, spanning 200,000 unforgiving square miles where more people go missing per capita than anywhere else on earth. Treacherous terrain and unforgiving natural elements have stopped many in their tracks, but some Alaskans hold onto the idea that mysterious monsters snatched them up. Unidentified crypto-creatures wander the state covered by millions of acres of dense wilderness and are known to lift and reposition trees with ease, create seismic activity with their minds, and even decapitate humans with one bite.
Season 01, Episode 01 -"Central Alaska's Bigfoot"
The team head to central America to search for the mythical Bigfoot.
Season 01, Episode 06 -"Sasquatch of the South"
The team heads to southern Alaska to investigate sightings of a highly temperamental Bigfoot. Todd and Rhett build a huge, electrified Teepee Trap, and an eyewitness gives the team a map they believe leads to this creature's nest.
Season 02, Episode 08 –“Bigfoot of Copper Valley: Red Devil ”
The AMS team travel to the woods of Copper Valley to investigate a group of tree-dwelling Bigfoot sightings and find evidence of an aggressive leader that they try to capture with a bed of nails trap.