Compare Memberships

Compare Memberships - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 4th Jan, 2011 - 9:45pm

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Post Date: 30th Aug, 2004 - 4:59pm / Post ID: #

Compare Memberships

Do you ever Compare Memberships? How do you do that? Click Here! If you have compared them, take a moment to answer the following questions:

1. Do you feel regular members get the same value or more as compared to other forums?
2. Do you feel Premium membership is worth the donation amount? If 'no', why?
3. Do you feel the Premium Plus membership is worth the donation amount? If 'no', why?
4. Do you find it difficult to contribute? Have you viewed Is It Possible?
5. What should be added to any of the memberships that will entice you or people you know to donate?

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31st Aug, 2004 - 4:20pm / Post ID: #

Memberships Compare

1. Do you feel regular members get the same value or more as compared to other forums? Definitely more value
2. Do you feel Premium membership is worth the donation amount? If 'no', why? Yes, it is well worth the donation amount
3. Do you feel the Premium Plus membership is worth the donation amount? If 'no', why? Yes, the ability to create a webpage alone is worth the difference between Premium and Premium Plus
4. Do you find it difficult to contribute? Have you viewed Is It Possible? Yes, I have. I would love to contribute, but every time I plan too there is some financial obligation that prevents me from doing so. One day though I will though!
5. What should be added to any of the memberships that will entice you or people you know to donate? Nothing that I can think of at this moment.

I like the concept of the Compare Membership feature because it spells out, in one place, what the differences are.

Reconcile Edited: malexander on 31st Aug, 2004 - 4:21pm

1st Sep, 2004 - 6:54pm / Post ID: #

Compare Memberships Feedback & FAQ News Community

In general, I think that the Premium and Plus memberships are good. The compare page is also good, but it raises one question.

Does a regular membership NOT have PMs at all?

1st Sep, 2004 - 8:13pm / Post ID: #

Memberships Compare

Yes, they do, I have to add that in, just have not gotten around to it. I was however thinking of raising the ability to use PMs since there are those that use it to get others to visit their sites, etc.

UPDATE: Corrected #PMs for members on Comparison Chart

27th Nov, 2004 - 2:20am / Post ID: #

Memberships Compare

1. Much more!
2. Certainly.
3. Yes but I think you shouldn't need to donate the whole amount to upgrade from premium to plus, but rather, the difference between the two.
4. A bit, but I'll be trying to do that soon.
5. Maybe the possibility of being able to play personal adventures for free... just an idea

Reconcile Edited: JB@Trinidad on 22nd Jan, 2006 - 2:42am

27th Nov, 2004 - 11:07am / Post ID: #

Compare Memberships

Thanks for your feedback.

In answer to #5, Personal adventures could never be for free because you are employing my time to create an adventure for you. If you need something by yourself then you can always check out 'Solo'.

In commenting about #2, the donation price was set based on the number of features you get rather than a holistic donation amount or price scheme. Plus accounts can place a real burden on the system if they are abused, hence the price must be high to cover server and time costs.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
4th Jan, 2011 - 9:45pm / Post ID: #

Compare Memberships

Memberships Have Changed

Basically, we will have four kinds:

Regular Members


Premium Donators - Thy get the extra features on a yearly donating basis

Platinum Donators - Those who give a bigger chunk so they do not have to keep Donating yearly

> TOPIC: Compare Memberships


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