Well I had asked this in my introduction thread and I must not have realized that that's where I had done it and it got deleted for being off topic so I wanted to start this topic to get it answered so I won't get in trouble again (laugh). Why are there so many topics about the different spells from D&D? Is it just to spark some discussion on it or is there some other reason that I am just not seeing?
Rockman18 you seem to be a little confused about where everything goes in the Community. This may be because you have not read our Constructive Posting Policy thoroughly.
First of all I had to move your Post in the RPG / Board Game Reviews to here, the FAQ Board. If you have a question related to how the Community works then you ask in ONLY in your Intro Thread or the FAQ Board (here).
Second to answer your questions. Consider this Community as part Forum and part Wiki if you like. We index and Discuss everything. Hidden parts of the Community Discuss things that you will not see Public, but most everything is covered. Therefore occasionally Bots / Moderators are tasked to Index all Topics and you may respond and give your opinions about it. In the case of a D&D Spell you may want to comment about how you can apply it in battle, the limitations of such a spell or questions about the spell itself for instance.
I had previously asked the same question in my intro thread and it had gotten deleted for being off topic. I will agree that I hadn't read all the way through the separate links in the policy you linked, but it had made sense to post a question about threads that were listed in the same section that they were posted in but I will not do so from now on. *Edited to add that I have now read the constructive posting policy and feel that I have a much better grasp of the rules and hopefully will not have any more problems with posts and new topic posting. Sorry for any trouble that was caused by this. Edited: Rockman18 on 27th Oct, 2010 - 5:18pm
No problem, careful reading of what Persephone said would have told you where you originally Posted the message that was deleted: