Name: Sally
Comments: Saying "white" or "black" in reference to witches is symbolic of the witches' concentration, control and thoughts about the spiritual world around us.
Name: Whtnblkwitch
Comments: I practise white an black witchcraft I use both not just one or the other a white witch does not just do good work and also a black does not just do evil the whites and blacks have the mostly the same makeup and also a black witch can be good and evil as well as both or just one of the two. Also a white witch can be good or evil or both. I know this because I am a level 35 male witch and have been studying and practicing mostly all my life. I am 34 years old and I started when I was 14. When you learn a type of witchcraft you take a oath not to talk about certain secrets about your craft because it is a secret in many different forms of it so we as witches do not have to subject non believers to our forms. Also lastly we all in our forms have a creed not to to stay quiet about what we are learning it is a secret society. Thanks I hope this explains enough.