There are no aliens in our universe. Does God have other children, other worlds, other creations? Yes. Are they within our reach? No. That would totally confuse God's plan. I believe it was Orson Pratt that taught that when Christ isn't on our world during the Millenium, it's because He's on some other planet during their Millenium.
I notice you like to discuss things in absolutes. Strange.
I believe there are people who live in other planets, I do not know whether they are within our reach or not. No OFFICIAL position was ever given into subject therefore all the rest of what was said by past or present authorities are pure speculation and opinion.
Name: Saint
Comments: A lot of interesting comments for this topic, some.. . Not so interesting. I do notice though that there are no scripture references, or references to comments made by church authorities. I'm not going to offer any clear answer, but if we were to look at say just one reference in the scriptures we could look in Moses Ch1:33-39.
I heard Chauncey Riddle, who used to be a Professor at BYU, speak at an Education Week, years ago. He said that he could imagine some of God's children on another planet, light years away, going to school and hearing the teacher say something like this: "Children, everybody be sure and bring notes from your parents tomorrow, because tomorrow we are going to take a field trip to planet earth, and we are going to see just how dirty, rotten, low down, and mean people can be."