I was reading about a parent who said they were struggling to keep up with the requirements their child had for simple things and if it did not happen their child would have a meltdown. They said their spouse would also get on their case.
Here is what I conveyed; I know how that goes but why are you struggling with it? By the hint of the spouse also getting upset is it because you forgot to do what your child requires or that it was a new requirement that you did not know about? I ask, because it took me many years to accept that is how the rest of my days was going to be so I let myself flow with it rather than "Struggle" with it… if that makes sense.
Some parents still live in denial that their child will have special requirements no matter what. Some parents want to do the same routine they were used to before having children and expect the same result but things change and it requires adaptation to the situation as the parent.