Of recent there has been so many bush fires. You should see the mountains, they are brown! The interesting thing is... where are the April showers? We have not had a drop of rain for April yet and that is unusual. The other question that weighs on people's mind is how do these bush fires get started? Some say natural causes, others think that young boys with idle hands are to blame. I am more inclined to believe the later.
The heat is really bad JB...maybe really the sun created these fire bushes. Of course there is always these kids around doing stupid things, and if you notice most of these kids don't go to school...where are the parents?
Here is something to raise a few eyebrows, but I bet it is true. If Trinidad & Tobago had to face the element of cold I bet that the place would be a lot cleaner, fewer vagrants and people would keep both themselves and their homes in a better way? Anyone care to debate?
Oh definetly, sometimes I wish we can have winter in Trinidad (yes, with snow too!) It will solve so many problems and people would be more serious about the way they care of themselves and their houses. I believe the way the weather is influenced a lot in the behaviour of the people.
Actually there is a famous African documentary made by a man who is very literate in the history of African culture and European trade. Yes, he is a black, African or as we say in Trinidad, negro (we do not use 'negro' as a disrespectful word here) and his sieries was quiet enlightening. He spoke about how the European nations had to develop faster than the African nations because of their harsh environments, where as the African man had such nice sunny weather that he could do what he wanted all day long without need for improvements to his home. I feel the same is true here.