I think it is inevitable. The time will come (IMO) where it will only be safe to practice your religion within your own home. Since the US seems determined to follow the example of Europe, it will soon be illegal to voice any of your religious convictions regarding moral subjects.
This is especially true in the political arena.
This thread is focusing on the US so I will continue the thread there since many other countries operate differently. Now with my question.
When the constitution was made official under God, which God were they referring to?
Was it the same God of those that wrote and legalized the Constitution or was it just used as a 'term'?
The answer is not so simple as you may think.
Based on the writings and teachings of the founders of the US, they were specifically talking about the God of Christianity. Even Thomas Jefferson, who the secularists hold up as being the founder of the idea of separation, wrote that the US was a Christian country.
The thing is, most of Christianity these days is very tolerant and inclusive of other religious ideas. While there is a minority that is exclusive, even there the ideas are that other people have the right to believe as they desire. It is the non-Christian secularists, most of whom claim no religion, who want to restrict the rights and actions of Christians.
A thought I ran across today in my email from The Federalist
"To those who cite the First Amendment as reason for excluding God from more and more of our institutions everyday; I say: The First Amendment of the Constitution was not written to protect the people of this country from religious values; it was written to protect religious values from government tyranny." --Ronald Reagan |