I'd rather see people play what they wish.
But if you're asking what I think we need to round out the party, a Wizard would do very nicely, or some other manner of arcane specialist.
Second choice would be a Psion, like the character I played before Bastion.
An artificer to make all the things for the group would also be nice .
Possibly, two new people joining this game soon? That sounds great KN, it would be good for this game in particular.
Yep, I agree with Dai, for this game someone with potent magic, or healing would come in handy.
Nameia this is where you would want to introduce your character to the others. From there you can get some advice from others of what to include on your character sheet and they can also answer some of your questions if I am unavailable. Once you get your character sheet more set up with what I have told you then I will approve it and you can start talking to your fellow party members in the party member thread.
Name: Nameia
Race: Tiefling
Class: Knight of the Wild
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Hit points: 7
ST: 15 +2 Dexterity: 17 +3 Con: 12 +1 Int: 15 +2 Wisdom: 15 +2 Charisma: 15 +2
Amour class: 15/13 Armour worn: leather +2
Base attack bonus: +0
Weapons Carried: Long sword (1-8), long bow, 40 Arrows (1-8), 3 daggers (1-4), kukri (1-4), scimitar (1-6), light hammer (1-4)
Items carried: back pack, 50' rope, 1 week Rations, water skin, bed roll, belt/pouch, healers kit, caltrops, 2 parchment, inkpen, 2 1oz ink vials, 25 sq ft fishing net, Flint and steel, blanket, 4 tindertwig
Money: 4sp
Feats: mounted combat, animal affinity,
Skills: concentration 6, diplomacy 4, handle animal 9, heal 6, knowledge geography 3, knowledge monster lore 3, knowledge nature 3, listen 6, ride 10, spellcraft 5, survival 5.
Couple of notes:
-Your wisdom score is fairly low. This is fine, but it does mean that your spell save DC is going to be low as well. As a result, I suggest focusing on spells other than those offensive ones which allow a save. Since most of your spell list is stuff to cast on yourself or allies, this is not a big problem, just something to keep in mind.
-I suggest coming up with a list of the spells you have prepared by default. That way you only have to mention it when you make a change.
-One not immediately obvious option available to you would be the use of flaws. These are basically anti-feats, and impose some sort of penalty upon the character. You can take up to two flaws, and each one you take allows you to pick one additional feat. Flaws can add interesting detail to a character, and no character ever has enough feat choices, so this is an option I highly recommend.
-It looks like you're going to be spending a good bit of the time mounted. With that in mind, I suggest picking up a lance. While mounted, a lance deals double damage on a charge attack. My own character has made good use of that effect. Actually, come to think of it, I might have Bastion give you his Rod of Lordly Might. It's a powerful item that changes form, including into a +3 lance.
-We're going to have to get you a dark leaf breastplate or something, as leather really doesn't cut it for a front line combatant. In the meantime, I suggest letting Bastion take the brunt of the enemy's assault, he makes a pretty good wall.
-You're going to be vulnerable to start. Level one characters can be killed pretty easily by the things we face. But be careful and let us help you survive, and you'll level up to start being a force to recon with pretty quickly.
But most of all, welcome to the game.