ACLU Sues Catholic Bishops Because Catholic Hospitals Don't Do Abortions
The "Pro-choice" manta abortion activists have employed for decades is supposed to mean that people have a choice if they want to get an abortion or participate in one. But pro-choice is truthfully pro-abortion more often than the pro-abortion side cares to admit.
Witness a new lawsuit filed by the ACLU, which is upset that Catholic hospitals don't do abortions. As the Washington Times reports: Ref. Source 6
ACLU Loses Lawsuit in Attempt to Force Catholic Hospital to Do Abortions
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is certainly no stranger to clashing with the Catholic Church over its pro-life position. This is especially the case when it comes to Catholic hospitals refusing to perform abortions. A lawsuit from 2013 over such an incident has now been thrown out by a federal judge in Michigan. Ref. Source 3v