A Colorado priest was charged for indecent exposure, for jogging naked in a high school track. His defense for his questionable behaviour is, he sweats profusely if he jogs wearing clothing and he did not think that anyone would be around at the time. Source
I am not minimizing the seriousness of this crime but to be honest, I laughed my head off when I heard this report on the Fox News. I think the last person anyone expects to commit such a ridiculous crime would be a priest. I have to wonder if he is on drugs or is suffering from some mental disorder. He seems very lucid since he acknowledges that what he did was wrong. If this is the way he behaves in his personal life, I shudder to think what he preaches about in church!
He was investigated for "inappropriate personal behavior" more than eight years ago when he was pastor of St. Anthony's Parish in Sterling, Colo. So it seems likely that it's not the first time he's done something a little screwy in the perv department. The first incident was when he gave "nude sex talks" to 11-year olds on camp outs.
Not an approved BSA merit badge course, I'd assume.
Seems he also likes to walk around in the nude at his house, with all the drapes open.