Charllotte Street Vendors

Charllotte Street Vendors - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 14th Apr, 2008 - 5:02pm

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Post Date: 7th Apr, 2008 - 11:05pm / Post ID: #

Charllotte Street Vendors

Charllotte Street Vendors

Do you think that the Charllotte Street Vendors should be allowed to vend on Charllotte Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad?

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11th Apr, 2008 - 11:05am / Post ID: #

Vendors Street Charllotte

This is what happens when laws are not enforced. Many years ago, vending was considered illegal and yet, there were so many people involved in vending and the police seemed unconcerned about enforcing the law. The UNC government passed a vending bill in Parliament and now that PNM is the current regime, they chose not to acknowledge this bill. It can become very frustrating and confusing when one government implements a bill and the other government decides to abolish it. Vendors are human beings too, struggling to make an honest living. If the present government wants them removed from Charlotte Street, I have no problem with that. However, the government should build a place for all the Charlotte Street and other vendors in Port of Spain. The government should allow the vendors to pay rent, for the "space" they occupy, in this new building.

14th Apr, 2008 - 5:02pm / Post ID: #

Charllotte Street Vendors Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

The undisciplined government entities are creating so many confusing 'laws' that it is creating havoc for the common people trying to make a living.
The should move the vendors away from the city centres and place them in a location equal to access and transportation. Placing them next to established places with people vying for walking, shopping and otherwise creates many problems! I haven't been to POS for awhile but they shoudl try to make it friendly enough without people being hassled!

That is the purpose of zoning regulations!

Reconcile Edited: yeniseri on 14th Apr, 2008 - 5:04pm

> TOPIC: Charllotte Street Vendors


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